JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly officially inaugurated the Director General of Corrections Reynhard Silitonga as Inspector General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights replacing Razilu, Friday, April 5.
Meanwhile, Razilu itself will occupy a new post as Head of the Legal and Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency.
Previously, Reynhard was the Director General of Corrections, while Razilu was the Director General of Intellectual Property.
In his remarks, the Minister of Law and Human Rights stated that mutations in an organization are a natural dami to improve institutional performance.
"Mutations and Promotion are common in the career journey of a civil servant, because through mutations, it is hoped that there will be a refresher in the implementation of tasks and functions, which ultimately leads to an increase in organizational capacity," said Yasonna.
On that occasion, Yasonna stated that this inauguration felt special because it was carried out in this blessed month of Ramadan. And this mutation, of course, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights always emphasizes the aspects of Professional, Accountability, Synergy, Transparency and Innovative so that this institution will be ready to face future challenges.
Yasonna also specifically congratulated Reynhard Silitonga and Razilu who will occupy her new post.
"Congratulations to Mr. Reynhard and Mr. Razilu who filled two strategic positions which are core managerial within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Hopefully, both of you will be able to synergize and collaborate for the progress of the organization," he said.
Meanwhile, Razilu was asked to continue the process of merging the Immigration Polytechnic and the Correctional Science Polytechnic into one Kemenkumham polytechnic. Yasonna assessed that the construction of one Kemenkumham polytechnic would open up opportunities for the increase in new study programs later.
"Of course the Kemenkumham polytechnic can add new programs, whether it's legislation, legal services, and others. It even allows us to increase its role to carry out postgraduate programs, in the fields of immigration, legislation, and corrections," he explained.
In addition to inaugurating Reynhard and Razilu, the Minister of Law and Human Rights also inaugurated Sucipto, who previously served as Secretary of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, as Expert Staff for Inter-Institutional Relations at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Meanwhile, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Kemenkumham Regional Office, Ibnu Chuldun, was appointed to the Expert Staff for Political and Security Affairs of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Iwan Kurniawan's position, who originally served as Head of the Legal and Human Resources Development Agency for Human Rights, was appointed as the Main Expert Apparatus Human Resources Assessor.
The position of Head of the DKI Jakarta Kemenkumham Regional Office left by Ibnu Chuldun will be filled by Andika Dwi Prasetya, who previously served as Head of the West Java Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office. His position will be taken over by Masjuno, who previously served as Head of the General Bureau at the Secretariat General.
The position of Head of the General Bureau at the Secretariat General will be filled by Jumadi, who originally served as Director of Information Technology and Correctional Cooperation at the new Directorate General of Corrections: Head of General Bureau at the Secretariat General.
In addition, there is Anggoro Dasananto who is the Secretary of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Ignatius Mangantar Tua as Director of Copyright and Industrial Design at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Santun Maspari Siregar as Director of Business Entities at the Directorate General of General Legal Administration.
Constantinus Kristomo became Director of Civil Affairs at the Directorate General of General Legal Administration, Achmad Fahrurazi became Head of the Legal Services Division of the NTB Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Kaswo became Head of the Riau Islands Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Administration Division.
Meanwhile, Dwi Harnanto became the Head of the Regional Office Administration Division of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Bangka Belitung, Hajrianor became the Head of the Regional Office Administration Division of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of West Kalimantan, Anton Edward Wardhan became the Head of the Regional Office Administration Division.
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