JAKARTA - Police are still investigating the report against Connie Rahakundini Bakrie regarding her statement on Instagram social media which accuses the police of having access to Sirekap and C1 form, then editing it.

Wakasat Reskrim Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, Kompol Henrikus Yossi mengatakan, pertama pihaknya akan menjadwalkan pelapor, yakni AK untuk mengetahui apakah ada dugaan tindak pidana pada laporan tersebut.

"Next week we will conduct an examination from the reporting party," Yossi told reporters, Wednesday, March 27.

In addition, his party will also conduct examinations of a number of witnesses related to the report.

"We will start from examining witnesses, yes, witnesses, be it from the reporting party or witnesses submitted from the reporting party," he said.

As is known, Connie was reported to the South Jakarta Metro Police. He was reported for allegedly spreading hoaxes through a statement on Instagram social media which accused the police of having access to Sirekap and C1 form and then editing it.

The report is registered with Number: LP/B/860/III/2023/SPKT/Polres Metro South Jakarta/Polda Metro Jaya

"We received a police report about the ITE crime with the reported sister Connie Rahakundini," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Bintoro when confirmed, Saturday, March 23.

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