BANTEN - Police are hunting for another perpetrator in the blasphemy act in Serang, Banten. Serang City Police Chief Kombes Sofwan Hermanto said the target operation (TO) with the initials A was the development of the arrest of D (19) in Cimuncang Village, Serang City, Friday 22 March
Sofwan suspects that there are several other perpetrators involved in this religious blasphemy act.
"There may be other perpetrators. The perpetrator has the initials A," said Sofwan when confirmed, Friday, March 22.
When asked whether the perpetrator with the initials A was the main actor in the blasphemy case, Sofwan admitted that he could not conclude.
"It's still being explored," he said.
A video shows a person trampled on the holy book of the Koran. Based on the video, the action was carried out in Cimuncang, Serang City, Friday, March 22.
Serang City Police Chief Kombes Sofwan Hermanto said his party had taken action regarding the viral video. Kombes Sofwan said one of the perpetrators with the initials D (19) was arrested and secured to the police station.
"The Serang Police immediately moved and secured a man with the initials D (19) in Cimuncang, Serang City," Sofwan said in his statement, Friday, March 22.
Currently, the perpetrators have been taken to the Serang Police for examination.
In this case, perpetrator D was not a figure who trampled, but one of the people in the group who modified the video with writing.
"Si D did or wrote a statement demeaning one of the religions. So he didn't make a video," he said.
Based on the document in the form of screenshot photos, the perpetrators are suspected of being more than one person. They are members of a group called Telegram Caper' with 1,191 members.
It is suspected that the group is people who often commit blasphemy. However, the police are still investigating this news.
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