The case of alleged sexual harassment allegedly committed by firefighters (damkar) against his biological child is still ongoing at Polda Metro Jaya.

PA (27), the victim's mother, told the chronology of when her child received bad treatment by her ex-husband, SN.

Told by PA, initially the perpetrator wished his son a birthday via text message to PA. After the message was conveyed, the victim's face was sad because he had not seen his father for a long time after the PA divorce from SN, one year ago.

"January 31, but around 9 pm finally SN (the perpetrator) picked up S (the victim) in front of BSD, we made an appointment there. After that, SN took S to his house in the Cilangkap area, East Jakarta," PA told reporters, Friday, March 22.

PA said, as long as her son lived with her ex-husband, she admitted that she always monitored him.

"I always keep a video call to monitor him from tracking the location, right, because S I brought a cellphone that I had installed tracking," he said.

Long story short, last Sunday, February 4, 2024, victim S contacted PA and said that he wanted to be picked up. PA also contacted her ex-husband to pick up her baby.

S nelphonin aku terus mama kapan pick me up? Terus aku ya dek, sebentar ya mama lagi ada di pekerjaan nanti selesai mama pick-up. Akhirnya aku panggung ke sana karena dia (perpetr) tak bisa anter. Akhirnya aku panggung di daerah Cilangkap, katanya.

"And the perpetrator said 'just pick him up in front of the alley'. It's not usually like that because I usually allow me to pick up S at his house," he continued.

Arriving at the location of the agreement, Sunday, February 4, in the afternoon, the victim got into the car while crying.

'Mamah S misses mom. S just want to be with mom'. He said that while holding me back, while making tears, I still don't have any suspicions, right. I thought 'oh my son really misses. His name hasn't met for a few days, it's like that, my son is really very soft,' he concluded.

On the way home, S looks restless and looks like a child who doesn't get to eat and drink. PA also contacted her ex-husband asking if S had been fed or not.

"It turns out that he hasn't been fed since the morning, because his son is too busy playing on his cellphone. He said that, he didn't ask for food. It should be if the parents who really offered their children to eat, they didn't give them food until the afternoon," he said.

"On the way home there, Sea asked for pampers, finally I stopped at Alfa to buy pampers with wet tissue. When I took off my pants, I was shocked, how come there were many wounds, like a bentol and she was crying hysterically while holding her genitals," I PA.

Panicked, PA took the victim to the clinic for a doctor to check.

"Yes, it's true, ma'am, there are friction wounds, you should take them directly to the hospital, a child specialist poly because the tools are also incomplete here," said PA.

The next day, he and the victim went to the hospital in the Tangerang area. As a result, it is known that the victim suffered injuries to his genitals. The hospital also suggested making a police report and conducting a post-mortem.

"I moved to the hospital, in the Gading Serpong area. There I was handled by the Obgin doctor, the doctor was used from the Police Hospital. After being checked, the doctor immediately said'ma'am, be patient, ma'am. It's better if you immediately make a report to the Regional Police so you can have a post-mortem. Because it's true that there were torn wounds about 2-3 days ago, "he said.

Hearing this, PA admitted that he was shocked and couldn't believe his ex-husband did anything heinous to his own biological son.

PA tried to ask directly to her ex-husband, but the person concerned did not provide an answer.

PA suspects that the rape was carried out on February 3, 2024. Considering that the victim was picked up by him on February 4.

"I think it's between 3 and 4. Because February 4th is really the right time for me to pick me up. On February 3 I was still staying at his house. Maybe that night, because this wound was a new wound, the doctor said this was a new wound. Because it was really a red wound, it was a new wound," he said.

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