The General Election Commission (KPU) acknowledged that the distribution of invitations to choose or form C notifications to voters was hampered, resulting in problems in a number of polling stations (TPS), voters were forced to use electronic ID cards to vote and even did not vote in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections.

"First, of course, about the address that the person did not find. It was not found because there was no address in the form C notification, it was not included in the full address," said Makassar KPU member Abdi Goncing while monitoring Polling Station 004 at SMP PGRI Makassar, South Sulawesi, Wednesday.

Abdi argued, as well as in the Online Permanent Voter List (DPT), for example, written on Jalan Mangga, but it was not clear what number, and when brought by KPPS officers the location was not found, not even the phone number concerned could be contacted.

When asked how the invitation to choose was piled up at the TPS, according to the findings in the field, a number of KPPS officers still kept voters' invitations at the TPS whether they were not prone to misuse, he said, allowed like that.

"It could be like that, that's the policy. That the notification letter C that has not been shared is for reasons of not finding the person, it is then recorded," he said.

In his notes, he continued, then stored by KPPS in case the person came to choose, but the condition was that he had to show an electronic ID card, it was true that the person concerned was at the TPS.

So what about data updating performance by Pantarlih officers who recorded the public long before the voting day, why not sync with KPPS data so that they must still look for voter addresses, said Abdi, it will be noted.

"That is our note, that in yesterday's screening process there are things that we really have to perfect during the next process," he said.

Regarding the number of elected KPPS members serving at the TPS but being placed not in the domicile area, there were obstacles in the distribution of the invitation to vote, even the head of the RT/RW was suspected of not being involved, he argued that there was a selection process.

"Because yesterday's recruitment process there were several KPPS that did not meet the requirements, whether he was an affiliate (the political team was successful), there was a response from the community. Then the involvement of RT/RW as in yesterday's election, we are still involved, but just coordinate," he said.

The impact of the error will reduce voter participation, especially since there is a merger of polling stations from the previous 300 voters per polling station in the 2024 election and 600 voters per polling station in the election or regional head election has an impact on lazy voters to the polling station and without an invitation letter, he said, would be evaluated.

From the observation of a number of voters carrying electronic ID cards at the polling station to vote, even though they did not get an invitation because they felt they were registered with the DPT. However, some residents were forced to go home without voting as observed at Polling Station 004 Mangasa Village, Tamalate District.

The head of RT/RW 003/002 Mahmud when met at the TPS admitted that many residents did not receive an invitation to vote. He even took his residents to the TPS while carrying an electronic ID card so that their voting rights could be distributed.

"Many KPPS members don't seem to know the address, so the invitation doesn't arrive. Some can and some can't. From the information, I can bring an electronic ID card, so I brought the residents here, there are also polling stations far from the location where they live," he said.

Ketua KPPS TPS 004 Ikram saat dikonfirmasi mengakui distribusi surat undangan pemilih terkendala karena kurang waktu, meskipun sudah menerima H-4 sebelum pencolosan. Meski demikian, pihaknya berusaha segalnya untuk membagikan. Alasan lain, sebab TPS dikurangan di Pilkada serentakan.

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