JAKARTA – The Jakarta Provincial General Election Commission (KPU) stated that the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election voting went smoothly without any significant obstacles, including at polling stations serving voters with disabilities.

"Overall, voting in Jakarta went well. There were no significant obstacles in the voting process," said Head of the Division of Socialization, Voter Education, and Public Participation of the Jakarta KPU Astri Megatari.

Astri together with the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Bima Arya, monitored TPS 06 and TPS 07 in Pegangsaan Village, Central Jakarta. This area has the largest number of voters with disabilities in Central Jakarta. At TPS 06, which is located at SDN Pegangsaan 01 Pagi, five voters were recorded, while at TPS 07 there were nine voters.

"There was a blind voter at TPS 06 who was accompanied by his child to sign the companion form," said Astri.

In addition to TPS for the disabled, the KPU also monitored voting at special locations, such as the Class II A Salemba Prison and the Class I Detention Center in Central Jakarta. Salemba Penitentiary has three polling stations with a total of 1,325 registered voters, while Class I Detention Center has four polling stations with 2,212 registered voters.

The Jakarta KPU recorded 57,881 disabled voters registered in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election, with the largest number in East Jakarta (17,502 people). Overall, there are 8.2 million voters on the permanent voter list (DPT) spread across 14,835 polling stations throughout Jakarta.

The voting process, which began in the morning, is targeted to be completed at 13.00 WIB, with the vote counting completed at around 17.00 WIB.

The Jakarta KPU also operates an election information control center (command center) to monitor the voting and vote counting process, as well as monitor the vote counting data uploaded via Sirekap (Vote Count Results Recapitulation Information System).

The Jakarta KPU expressed its appreciation for the public's participation in voting and hopes that the entire process, including the recapitulation, can run smoothly until the official announcement of the results of the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

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