JAKARTA - Head of the Operations Section (Kasiop) of the West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Syarifudin explained, Lazada's warehouse that caught fire had been extinguished. However, his party is still doing the cooling process. According to him, the fire grew because of the large amount of flammable material.

"There are quite a lot of burned materials and flammable materials. The object caught fire in Lazada's warehouse because many items were difficult to extinguish, for the current situation it is still under cooling," Syarifudin told reporters, Friday, March 22.

Firefighters are having difficulties because the water source is far away. In addition, the large number of plastic goods is also the main obstacle.

"Yes, for handling it, we can localize it, but for extinguishing it, it will take a long time, because there are a large area and quite a lot of material goods," he said.

A fire in two expedition warehouses located on Jalan Pool PPD, RT 10/03, Kedaung Kaliangke Village, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta, was gradually extinguished on Friday, March 22, early in the morning.

The fire extinguishing process was carried out by officers from the West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept.

"The affected are the warehouses of Si Cepat and Lazada," said Danton BPBD, Maulana when confirmed by VOI, Friday, March 22.

Maulana emphasized that the situation has been extinguished at this time. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

"The victim was nil. The cause of the initial fire is still being collected. 6 DKI BPBD personnel are being assisted," he said.

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