YOGYAKARTA The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta will disable 94 thousand Population Identification Numbers (NIK) for Jakarta residents with certain criteria. Deactivation of KTP will be carried out in stages every month and starting after the 2024 General Election. So, what are the criteria for the ID cards of DKI residents who are disabled? Let's look at the full information below.
There are several criteria for ID cards for DKI Jakarta residents who will be disabled, including:
For information, the implementation of the deactivation of the NIK of residents with DKI Jakarta ID cards refers to the Decree of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Office Number 80 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Deactivation and Reactivation of the Population Identification Number (NIK).
Initially, the plan was to be executed in March 2024. However, the DKI Jakarta DPRD proposed that the deactivation of the ID cards of DKI residents be postponed until after the 2024 General Election.
Launching VOI, Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Mujiyono, explained that the deactivation of the NIK could not be carried out during the election stages. Because, this will disrupt the accuracy of the data on the 2024 election voter list.
"I'm afraid that unwanted things will happen regarding the DPT (permanent voter list), that's why we recommend changing (from March) to after the election. Moreover, when the new voting comes (returning to the area according to the ID card)," said Mujiyono to reporters, Monday, February 26.
The process of deactivating the ID cards of DKI residents begins with recording the population data of Jakarta residents to be put in order. Then, the RT/RW will re-verify the results of matching and research in the field.
In this stage, many reports from the RT/RW and forwarded to the village head who are still hesitant to determine who the NIK residents will be removed.
"Not all village heads are brave, because disabling someone is dangerous. One of the risks is that for banking matters it will not be used. NIK is deactivated and then he transacts at the bank, it will be detected that the ID card cannot be used," said Mujiyono.
Continuing, Member of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Dwi Rio Sambodo views that the socialization of the control of the NIK of Jakarta residents by the DKI Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) has not been carried out optimally. This is also a consideration for the deactivation of the KTP postponed its implementation
"The socialization carried out by the Dukcapil Office does not seem optimal. So that it has the potential to cause various impacts, not only problems with electoral DPT, but other administrative problems such as bank accounts, BPJS Kesehatan to school zoning," said Rio.
Adapting Jakarta's official website Registering Residents, here's how to check the status of ID cards for DKI Jakarta residents:
This is information about the criteria for ID cards for disabled DKI residents. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.
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