The accident that happened to a 17-year-old teenager with the initials MAI on the Casablanca Non-Toll Flyover (JLNT), Setiabudi District, South Jakarta, still leaves deep sorrow for the families of the victims.

The reason is, according to Firmansyah, the victim's uncle, he had banned his nephew before participating in the COD spare body motorbike he was doing.

"Even though I (forbidden) said not to come, I was just a cod body (motor), I said that. Instead, he wanted to come, he said on Sunday night," said Firmansyah, Sunday, February 18.

A teenager with the initials MAI (17), an automatic motorcycle rider with the number B 4576 TTS, became a victim of a hit-and-run by a black Fortuner car while crossing the Casablanca Non-Toll Flyover (JLNT), Setiabudi District, South Jakarta, early Sunday, February 18.

The incident occurred at around 02.00 WIB. The victim was hit by a black Fortuner driver who was suspected of being drunk while driving.

The reason is, according to eyewitnesses of the incident, before the accident occurred, the car seemed to be walking zig zage or swerved to the left and right until it finally hit the motorbike the victim was driving.

"I've seen the car from there, the road is right and left but it took him a long time to go left. He (the driver of the car) looks like he's drunk," said Firmansyah, one of the eyewitnesses to the incident who is also the victim's uncle, Sunday, February 18.

Firman said, initially the victim and himself went hand in hand. The motorbike the victim was driving was behind his motorbike. But suddenly the motorbike the victim was driving overtook Firman's motorbike in front of him.

"My pattern suddenly raced me from left like this, eh, immediately jeder (collised). My motorbike was splashed, hit too," he said.

Seeing the victim thrown onto the asphalt and covered in blood, the car driver fled. Meanwhile, the victim lay on the asphalt with a distance of about 5 meters from his motorbike.

"The car ran away, when I stopped there I shouted but didn't answer. Fortuner was black. My position was to chase but the motorbike couldn't walk because the body was stuck with the tires," said Firman.

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