TANGERANG - A total of 64 inpatients at the Pamulang General Hospital (RSU), South Tangerang City (Tangsel) have the potential to exercise their voting rights in hospitals.

Later, officers from the Voting Committee Group (KPPS) accompanied by witnesses and supervisors of the polling house (TPS) will pick up the ball.

Head of the Administration Section of the South Tangerang Hospital, Oco, said that the number of patients recorded was 64 patients. However, this figure can change before the start of the voting.

"It is still possible to change, meaning that of the 64 patients it can be reduced or increased, because patients can go home and come," Oco told reporters at the South Tangerang General Hospital, Monday, February 12.

In its implementation, said Oco, later the Tangsel General Hospital management team will coordinate first with the TPS officers.

"We directed and helped, for example, the patient was treated," he said.

Oco explained that dozens of these patients who could exercise their right to vote were people whose health status was conscious and could communicate.

"Those who have the potential to not be able to channel their voting rights are patients being treated in the ICU, unconscious patients and pediatric patients," he concluded.

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