The demonstration carried out by students at the Horse Statue, Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta was decorated with banners depicting the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and his son Kaesang Pangareb, Monday afternoon, February 12.

Masses from the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMil) asked Jokowi to stop the practice of abuse of power.

Hamas, one of the PMil coordinators, said that in the 2024 election it was clear that the attitude taken by Jokowi led to one of the candidate pairs (paslon).

Urges the government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo to stop the practice of abuse of power leading to the victory of one of the presidential and vice presidential candidates, Hamas loudly at the Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, Monday, February 12.

PMII asked Jokowi not to damage the constitution and national ethics in the state of democracy.

Urge and demand, stop destroying and straddling the constitution and ethics of the life of the nation and state. Especially with regard to his position as president. State leaders and government leaders," he said.

In addition, the students also asked the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), the TNI-Polri to be neutral and not win any of the candidate pairs.

"Urges all ASN, TNI and Polri, and Village Heads to reject power intervention to win one of the pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates," he said.

Here are 11 Demands for the Movement of Indonesian Islamic Students (PMIL):

1. President Jokowi is the main person in charge of the depravity, destruction and setbacks that occurred during his leadership.

2. Urge and demand President Jokowi to stop the practice of collusion, corruption and nepotism (KKN). Instead of being the main actor of the practice of KKN.

3. Urgent and demanding, stop destroying and stratifying the constitution and ethics of the life of the nation and state. Especially with regard to his position as president, state leader and government leader.

4. Urgent and demanding that President Jokowi stop the strengthening of economic and political power of the Republic of Indonesia only to a handful of people, some groups, let alone only for the benefit of family and relatives.

5. Urgent and demanding, President Jokowi to immediately stop practicing violations and destroy democratic principles and human rights (HAM) suppression, especially in the space for freedom of expression and the opinion of all Indonesian people, without discrimination, intimidation and repression.

6. Urgent and demanding, President Jokowi to stop government agendas that damage the environment and seize people's living space.

7. Urgent and demanding that President Jokowi immediately lower the prices of basic commodities for the people's needs, stop the commercialization of education, and stop development that uses state debt recklessly.

8. Urge the government under President Jokowi's leadership to stop the practice of abuse of power, leading to the victory of one of the pairs of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates.

9. Urge all ASN, TNI and Polri, and Village Heads to reject power intervention to win one of the pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates.

10. Urge and demand all state officials to comply with the rules of the game of democracy and be responsible for holding FAIR, CLEAN AND FULL elections without manipulation and fraud.

11. Urge the DPR-RI to immediately use its authority to supervise the president's actions which are increasingly abusing his authority to side with one of the pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates. The DPR-RI must also carry out its duties and responsibilities optimally in supervising government performance.

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