AMBON - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bahlil Lahadalia started his work visit to Ambon City, Maluku by reviewing the Fisherman's General Fuel Filling Stastiun (SPBUN) 88,791.01, Tantui Ambon City.
To the media crew, Bahlil said this visit was carried out in order to review the readiness of the ESDM sector ahead of Christmas and New Year's 2025.
"Maluku is one of the hubs for the North Maluku region and then Papua. So we check so that at Christmas and New Year, fishing activities can run and fuel stocks are still available," said Bahlil, Wednesday, December 18.
During the review, it was known that the supply of fuel for Melayan ships was in the safe category with the number of operating days (HOP) in the range of 20 to 21 days.
"Alhamdulillah, everything is complete, clear. The capacity can be up to 20-21 days. So it is included in the safe category," he added.
In the same case, Bahlil also ensured that the price of subsidized diesel fuel for fishermen in Ambon City was still the same as the price of diesel in other regions in Indonesia.
"It's just the quota. We really have to manage this quota properly so that there is no misuse of quota. But with me going down to the field like this, checking, we will do an evaluation," explained Bahlil.
For information, SPBRAN 88,791,01 Ambon City, which has been operating since 2021, has Biosolar-JBT and Dexlite products supplied from the Integrated Fuel Wayame Terminal.
The average distribution of Biosolar-JBT gas station Ambon is 4.56 KL per day and Dexlite is 0.52 KL per day.
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