JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPR Budget Agency Said Abdullah said the social assistance program (bansos) could be useful for alleviating poverty if it was carried out in accordance with the plan.

"The social assistance program will only be right on target and have optimal benefits for the eradication of poor households if it is done by the hands of technocracies who work according to planning, professional, integrity and no political mounts," Said said in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 5.

He asked the poor not to be used as an excuse to vote in the 2024 General Election. According to him, such a step would not make the poor get out of poverty.

"This method will not eradicate the poor from poverty, but only make the poor as political vehicles," he said.

Said also hopes that all social assistance recipients will remain steadfast in their political stance. This is because the poor can still make political choices in the 2024 election.

He emphasized that the people need not worry about the threat of removing their data from receiving social assistance in the future. Said said that there was nothing to do with determining the right to vote by removing social assistance.

"Determination of voting rights is the political right of all citizens, and the recipients of social assistance are the economic rights of citizens. Both are guaranteed by law," concluded Said.

It is known that the government through the Ministry of Finance increased the disbursement of policy packages in the fourth quarter of 2023 as a form of mitigation of the impact of El Nino and global economic pressure, one of which was the thickening of social assistance.

The thickening of the social assistance was in the form of 10 kilograms of rice assistance which was given to 21.3 million beneficiary groups (KPM) in December. This policy is to handle the increase in rice prices, which are practically carried out in collaboration with the National Food Agency (Bapanas) and Bulog.

Then, direct cash assistance (BLT) worth IDR 200 thousand per month for November and December which was given to 18.8 million KPM.

The policy aims to maintain purchasing power, price stabilization, and inflationary control.

APBN needs to provide protection by thickening social assistance. This is to strengthen economic activities, especially low-income people who are low-income," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani in her statement, Wednesday (10/10/2023).

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