JAKARTA - Former Army Chief of Staff (KSAD), General (Ret.) Dudung Abdurrachman assessed that Megawati Soekarnoputri's statement by the Chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) regarding the accusations that the TNI-Polri officers were not neutral in the 2024 election was too tendentious and baseless. "In my opinion, Mrs. Mega's statement is tendentious, in my opinion, baseless accusations, yes. Baseless accusations," said Dudung at JCC Senayan, Central Jakarta, Sunday, January 4. Dudung also appealed to all TNI and Polri personnel not to listen to the accusations made by the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia. "In my opinion, the TNI-Polri don't have to be afraid of suchMOking, just believe that we are neutral, that's it," he said. So far, Dudung ensured, the TNI-Polri are still committed to maintaining their neutrality in the 2024 General Election. He believes that the TNI-Polri leadership will also take firm action against soldiers and members who are not neutral. "I have confidence that they have a family spirit, a soldier's oath, and a mandatory TNI and Tribrata. There is nothing if, for example, there is an neutrality, and I am sure that the leadership of the TNI and Polri, if there are subordinates who are not neutral, he will act decisively, because he already knows the rules and the main responsibility is as TNI/Polri," said Dudung. Previously, PDI-P general chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri reminded law enforcement officials, especially the TNI-Polri, not to intervene in the Indonesian people in the 2024 election. “ Remember, hey police no longer intimidate my people. The army should no longer intimidate my people. It's true that the police, iku sopo yo, the commander of sopo yo. PDI Perjuangan is a legitimate party in this republic, meaning that they are allowed to follow the election,” Megawati said during a speech at Akbar Ganjar-Mahfud's campaign at GBK, Saturday, February 3. The accusation of neutrality is considered to have occurred to several PDIP cadres ahead of the 2024 election. For example, the case that dragged TPN spokesman Aiman Witjaksono into allegations of non-neutral accusations by the apparatus. Arriving, the chairman of the PDIP DPC Gunungkidul, Endah Subekti Kuntariningsih, who was arguing with a number of men discussing the actions of youth banners that Jokowi criticized.
“ You and the police, together with the apparatus, with the commander in chief, and ASN, don't ever start today, right or not? If he wants to come, you just have to trust him, don't you just embrace him, what rank are you? General? ” Megawati said.

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