Borong Pertalite 200 Liter At Pertamina Gas Station, Man In Tangerang Arrested
Gas Station Illustration/ Photo: Bitor Ekin P

TANGERANG The Tangerang Police again arrested one person who used Pertalite type fuel in Sukamanah Village, Rajeg, Tangerang Regency. The perpetrator with the initials AH uses a car that has been MOVIDized to accommodate 200 liters of Pertalite at gas stations, to resell it at a high price.

Tangerang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Kompol Arief Nazarudin explained that the arrest of AH occurred after a report was made. After the police conducted observations and monitoring at a number of Pertamina gas stations on Thursday, January 18, 2024, officers found that there were a number of people suspected of being in Sukamanah Village, Rajeg, Tangerang Regency.

Furthermore, the police stalked the car to a house in Rajeg Botanical Park, Mekarsari Village, Rajeg, Tangerang Regency.

After the car was approached, officers saw the perpetrator pumping pertalite fuel from the vehicle tank which was channeled to the gallon of mineral water.

"After checking, it was found that the tank in the car had been modified by installing a hose and connecting it with the suction pump engine," he said.

AH claimed to have bought Pertalite fuel of approximately 200 liters.

"This activity has been carried out for approximately 6 months, for resale," he said.

The perpetrator was named a suspect and charged with Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas of Earth with a maximum imprisonment of 6 years.

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