Prabowo-Gibran Volunteers Sell Cheap Basic Foods, Mr. RT: We Ensure Those Who Accept The Right People
Head of RW 07 Pisangan Timur Village, Achmad Rizal/ Photo; Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA The chaos in the sale of cheap basic necessities by the presidential and vice-presidential candidates number 02 in Pisangan Timur Village. This activity was accused of a campaign to distribute free basic necessities to local residents. Although denied by the head of the volunteers, the accusations made by one of the X accounts made tensions in the area.

Chairman of RW 07 Pisangan Timur Village, Achmad Rizal hopes that the democratic party in the upcoming February 14, 2024 elections can run peacefully and safely. His party does not want divisions among the community.

"All administrators (RT and RW) want this election to run peacefully, coolly, there will be no divisions or divisions due to problems like this," Achmad told VOI, Wednesday, January 31.

The cheap grocery activity in the area, from volunteers from one of the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pairs, is said to have received permission from Achmad, as chairman of the RW.

"Indeed, there is a permit via RT to RW. Because we witnessed the distribution because of what? We ensure that those who accept it are really the right people and our citizens. We come to witness, see and control if there is an unwanted incident," he said.

However, apparently, the distribution of cheap food packages was actually used by irresponsible persons who uploaded video recordings and captions with hoax indications.

"Hopefully there will be no more black campaigns like this by vilifying one candidate with another candidate, which will become a split. I hope that this election will run peacefully and coolly," he said.

A number of residents of RW 07, Pisangan Lama, Pisangan Timur Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, were shocked by the existence of chain messages on the WhatsApp application containing posts on social media (Medsos) X with the @MirtadhaOne1 account, Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

In the post, a video recording of the alleged candidate pair 02 field team was seen distributing basic necessities (nine basic commodities) and envelopes to the residents of East Pisangan, Pulogadung District. The distribution of basic necessities took place on Saturday, January 27.

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