JAKARTA - The theft of motorbikes was caught on CCTV cameras and went viral on social media (Medsos). It only took 3 to 4 minutes, the perpetrator managed to take away the motorbike belonging to an employee of the Pandawa Child Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA), Tanah Tinggi Village, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta.
The theft occurred when it was raining in the Johar Baru area. The theft of a motorbike that was lost was carried out by a theft perpetrator who was seen pacing around the RPTRA.
The perpetrator who wore the mask did not take long to be able to take away a motorbike.
According to the victim's confession, Anggie Prasasti, the owner of the motorbike, said that at that time she had parked her motorbike in front of the fence.
"I went in to take off my raincoat. About 3-4 minutes later I came out after changing my clothes because I wanted to clean the field and saw that the motorbike was gone," he told reporters, Monday, January 29.
Knowing that the motorbike was not there, Anggie and his friend checked the surveillance camera footage. From the footage, a man is seen wearing a red hat and wearing a mask.
"The area here is also quite vulnerable because previously there was also a missing motorbike. We have also reported it to the Johar Baru Police," he said.
The Head of the Johar Baru Police, Kompol Ubaidillah, confirmed the theft of a motorbike at the Pandawa RPTRA. The victim has also reported to the Johar Baru Police.
"We are trying to reveal the case of the disappearance of the motorbike. Officers have also checked the crime scene (TKP)," he said.
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