JAKARTA - Despite arresting five gangs of jumping squirrels (Bajilo) from the Cakung group, until now the Cakung Police have not received an official report from the truck driver who was harmed. The perpetrators were arrested after their actions were recorded on video cameras and went viral on social media (social media).
"So far, no one has reported it to us, therefore we urge truck drivers who feel aggrieved. Please report it to the Cakung Police for us to follow up," said Cakung Police Chief, Kompol Panji Ali Chandra to reporters, Friday, January 26.
The arrest of the perpetrator was made after the police received a report of a viral video from a media colleague on Thursday, January 25 at around 08.00 WIB. Meanwhile, the incident occurred on Wednesday, January 24 at 14.30 WIB.
"We received reports from media colleagues that a video has gone viral showing a jumping squirrel taking iron on a truck. So we ordered members in the field to make arrests," he said.
Less than 12 hours after receiving the report, as many as 5 perpetrators were arrested on Thursday at around 15.00 WIB.
"We managed to arrest the perpetrators around the crime scene on Jalan Raya Bekasi KM 21. They work as Mr. Ogah," he said.
In order to anticipate recurring incidents, the Cakung Police will increase regional patrols during vulnerable and traffic jams.
"Because they carry out their actions during traffic jams. Later we tell members to intensify personnel to carry out patrols around the location," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the Cakung Police Criminal Investigation Unit managed to arrest a total of 5 jumping squirrels who conspired to carry out the theft of iron pieces from a truck passing on Jalan Raya Bekasi KM 21, Cakung, East Jakarta.
The five people had the initials TP (31), TS (25), RA (31), MR (30) and MS (36). They are a group of jumping squirrel specialists who often act in East Jakarta.
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