The security guard named Suratul Padli and his wife Listiani Hartati complained to the NTB Police because their names were used for credit at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Bagik Polak Unit, West Lombok Regency. The victim was accompanied by a legal representative, Lalu Anton Hariawan and Sudirman when complaining. Suratul admitted that their profiteering for credit at BRI was on November 2, 2023. "At that time my wife was at home. My wife was visited by BRI employee with the initials FR. She was looking for the name Listiani Hartati, that's my wife. The goal was to come up with funds because there was the name of my wife who was in arrears of credit at BRI," said Padli after reporting to the NTB Regional Police, Antara, Thursday, January 25. The wife of Padli then said that they had never entered into a credit agreement or applied for a loan to BRI. "The employee then showed the identity of the person who applied for credit. It is true that the identity of the ID card listed in the data belongs to my wife and me as well, but the photos, contact numbers, and signatures in the data are not my wife and me, that's someone else," he said. With this issue, Padli asked for legal assistance from Lalu Anton Hariawan and Sudirman. Together with his attorney, Padli went to the BRI Office of the Bagik Polak Unit to ask for an explanation regarding the credit arrears. "We accompanied the victim to ask for an explanation, who took the victim's name, but until now there has been no response, so the victim chose to report it to the NTB Police," said Anton. In the report, the victim also included evidence of conversations via WhatsApp with BRI employees with the initials FR who provided explanations related to photos and contact numbers of people who took the victim's name. "Therefore, we include photos and contact numbers of people who took the names of our clients as evidence of completeness in the report to the police," he said. There is also, he said, a copy of the credit deposit that has been running from April 2022 to September 2023. Padli and his wife were registered at BRI to receive a loan of Rp. 100 million with an installment deposit per month of Rp. 1,521,100.00. Anton explained that the purpose of the victim reporting to the NTB Police was to find out who was responsible for profiteering for credit and the names of the victims and their wives could be cleared of the fictitious credit. "So that it doesn't happen again because this mode is dangerous, anyone can get hit. Actually, we have tried to go to BRI, submit a summons so that the person who used our client's personal data can be met. However, there is no response. Therefore, we reported it to the NTB Police so that this issue can be clear," said Anton. The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Rio Indra Lesmana, admitted that he had confirmed it to the NTB Police Ditreskrimsus. However, there has been no response.
"I've asked, but there hasn't been a response from the crisus yet," said Rio. Dirreskrimsus Polda NTB Kombes Nasrun Pasaribu, who was confirmed by telephone and short message via WhatsApp, also did not provide a response regarding the victim's report of profiteering for credit at BRI Unit Bagik Polak.

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