Attorney General Reminds Staff About Code Of Ethics, Can't Just Look
Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin. BETWEEN/HO-Puspenkum Attorney General's Office

Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin reminded his staff about ethics, manners, and etiquette as a prosecutor, one of which should not be careless in appearance.

"Being a prosecutor should not be careless in appearance," said Burhanuddin in his statement reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 22.

According to Burhanuddin, since graduating and being appointed as a prosecutor, he has been equipped with a prosecutor's code of conduct such as not being tattooed, not being stranded, not wearing hair dyes that are prohibited, including not showing off luxury (flexing) because the prosecutor is personally attached to someone.

The prosecutor's advice, instructions, and circulars regarding the prosecutor's code of conduct, said the Attorney General, have been submitted several times, both through circulars and on various occasions.

Burhanuddin reminded again that the prosecutor's code of conduct, especially during the development of social media and the digital world, is very worrying, especially since a prosecutor is part of law enforcement which should be an example and example.

From how to dress, Burhanuddin reminded the prosecutor to use the prosecutor's uniform (gamjak) so that the public can distinguish between the prosecutor and other officers.

In addition, he also emphasized that prosecutors are not allowed to visit certain places that can harm institutions such as nightclubs and the like.

"Being a prosecutor is not easy because you often get the spotlight in the community, especially in an era that is prone to viral, how to speak in the community must also prioritize manners, etiquette, and ethics," he said.

Ethics, manners, adab, and ethics of prosecutors, the attorney general emphasized, is part of the law that lives in the community. When prosecutors have a bad personality and appearance, according to him, it will affect performance, especially regarding a negative person's assessment. Thus, whatever good deeds are carried out by the prosecutor's office becomes worthless.

Burhanuddin emphasized that prosecutors must have social sensitivity, empathy, and the most important thing is good character so that prosecutors as humanists law enforcers are a reflection of today's prosecutors and in the future.

"There is no prohibition on playing social media that can introduce humanist prosecutors and the performance of prosecutors in the eyes of the public. Be a prosecutor who is loved and trusted by the public in every way," said Burhanuddin.

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