Presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo gave a response regarding his Vice Presidential Candidate, Mahfud MD, who refused to answer the question of Cawapres number 2, Gibran Rakabuming regarding green inflation or greenflation.

According to Ganjar, Mahfud's choice not to provide answers and submit questions to moderators is an inspiration for Ganjar for further debate. He also assessed Mahfud's performance in this debate was very good.

"It's good (the debate) because for the first time Pak Mahfud has inspired questions that must be answered but he said that the question didn't need to be answered and it was inspiring," he told the media after the Vice Presidential Debate at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Sunday, January 21.

With Mahfud's attitude, he also understands that there are questions that need to be answered and do not need to be answered.

"And he conveyed it openly and it educated everything. Pak Mahfud conveyed it with the right firm," continued Ganjar.

Previously in the vice presidential debate, Mahfud decided to return Gibran's questions regarding Greenflation to the moderator because Mahfud's answer was deemed not to answer Gibran's question.

Mahfud emphasized that he had provided answers in accordance with Gibran's question regarding the steps taken by the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Pair number 03 regarding his attitude in preventing Greenflation or green inflation.

"I don't want to answer. I answered correctly but he didn't understand so how come the answer was different? It was just a gimmick, so I said it was small because it was in accordance with the answer," Mahfud said on the same occasion.

Because it was considered small, he said, questions were then returned to the moderator and the remaining time could not be used to answer Gibran's rebuttal.

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