DENPASAR - There was a unique moment when Ganjar Pranowo Candidate number 3 attended the Ganjar-Mahfud Bali People's Party at Puputan Field Margarana Denpasar, Saturday, January 20, evening. The man named Komang Gunawan is willing to shave his hair in the form of a figure of three complete with Ganjar's writing.

Not only his unusual hair look, Gunawan also looks enthusiastic. Several times he loudly invited Ganjar to become president, while lifting three fingers.

Seeing that, Ganjar teased him with the question, whether the action was because he was paid or it was his own will.

"Why are you shaving your hair like that. Some pay, how much do you pay," said Ganjar from the stage.

In the midst of the crowd, Gunawan answered firmly and by holding his head.

"No, sir. I am myself," explained Gunawan.

The action was able to attract the attention of tens of thousands of people who came, Ganjar was no exception. In fact, the white-haired politician called Gunawan to get on stage.

When invited to dialogue, Gunawan still showed his enthusiasm. Even the man from Tabanan even invited everyone to choose Ganjar.

Ganjar... Ganjar.. Hidup Ganjar. Don't make the wrong choice, just Ganjar," Gunawan exclaimed on stage.

The energy was greeted with enthusiasm by Ganjar. The white-haired presidential candidate called on all his supporters to keep their voices in Bali.

"I also entrust Bali to always record an absolute victory. Always record an absolute victory from each election," he said.

That night, tens of thousands of supporters of Ganjar-Mahfud celebrated togetherness with entertainment from a number of well-known artists. These include NDX AKA, Type-X, Slot Band, Johny Agung and Double T, Bagus Wirata and DJ Mahesa.

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