JAKARTA - The head of the Banten Ganjar-Mahfud Regional Winning Team (TPD), Rano Karno, said a number of strange things that were suspected of cheating also occurred in his area. Among them, billboards that suddenly disappeared after two hours of installation.

"The fraud was everywhere. First, for example, this is real at 03.00 we put up banners and at 05.00 in the morning all our banners were lost," said Rano Karno to reporters at the Bayah District Islamic Center, Lebak, Banten, Friday, January 19.

Rano said this fraud did not only occur in one place when the visit of the vice presidential candidate number three, Mahfud MD. "Imagine at 03.00 we install it at 05.00 am, thank God, everything is clean and the way it works," he said.

In addition, Rano also mentioned another form of fraud was that there were campaign props (APK) in the form of billboards or banners installed in various places by other parties. He said, TPD Banten Ganjar-Mahfud had never installed anything like this in a banned location.

However, Rano did not mention who the party suspected of deliberately putting the APK. "We know that our billboards are impossible for us to put in a place that is indeed a prohibited area, it can't be like that," he said.

"So what do we do (talk, ed) but this is not only felt in Banten but almost all over the place," continued the member of the PDIP faction DPR.

The former governor of Banten also talked about accusations by other parties of the Ganjar-Mahfud camp pretending to be victims or playing victim. He said, this kind of accusation is indeed the easiest to make than to find solutions to current conditions.

"If it's like this, it's best to look for it like that (said, ed) so that the lubrication is extraordinary," he concluded.

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