JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko warned that he should use a heart approach in the implementation of the transfer of rights to the land of the Sawahan TNI Dormitory for the expansion of the Central General Hospital (RSUP) Dr M Djamil in Padang, West Sumatra. This was conveyed regarding the issue of an indication of the implementation of the Standard Inpatient Class (KRIS) policy implemented at Dr M Djamil Hospital. Dr. M Djamil, this is to support the implementation of the Standard Inpatient Class (KRIS) policy in accordance with President Joko Widodo's instructions in supporting the improvement of national health system services. "This is actually no longer a problem, the TNI is okay. But, no more talking about numbers, but talking about hearts, please compromise between the Ministry of Health, the RS and TNI," said Moeldoko at the Taxation Coordination Meeting for the Transition of Land Rights for the Sawahan TNI Dormitory for Dr. M. Djamil at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Friday January 19. Previously, Moeldoko during his visit to the TNI Dormitory in Sawahan, Padang City had communicated with the Army Chief of Staff regarding the urgency of transitioning the right to TNI's dormitory land for the development of RSUP Dr M Djamil. Moeldoko revealed that the Army Chief of Staff had approved the process of transitioning land rights further. "I have communicated to the Army Chief of Staff. It's just a matter of legality from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health, it must not be postponed quickly because the program at the KRIS Hospital must be postponed immediately," Moeldoko added According to Moeldoko, in looking at the issue of shifting the right to TNI's dormitory land, which will be used as a health facility for Dr. M Djamil Hospital, it is necessary to be oriented towards strengthening service capacity and community welfare. Later, the use of the land will bring various benefits, especially in improving health services. Make this a momentum for contributing to welfare, later the community and the TNI can also enjoy it, he said.Regarding relocation TNI dormitory, Moeldoko added that this matter can be resolved without conflict and given appropriate compensation. Moeldoko also directed the ranks of Deputy II KSP to communicate intensively with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of PUPR to support the relocation of the TNI's dormitories. "There is already a commitment from the Ministry of Health to provide replacement land, this can be continued with discussions with PUPR to support its construction," concluded Moeldoko. Dr. M Djamil in Padang, West Sumatra is a vertical hospital UPT at the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

This hospital will serve as a pilot for implementing the KRIS policy. In the early stages of implementing the KRIS, programs that remove classes 1,2, and 3 in the JKN-KIS will be applied to vertical special hospitals belonging to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). The implementation of the KRIS is a mandate of Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System (SJSN), which aims to provide equal health facilities and services for BPJS Health participants.

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