Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo Adi said that the government's rice reserve stock (CBP) in Perum Bulog warehouse reached 2.1 million tons ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 2025/1446 Hijriah.
"The National Food Agency has assigned Bulog to maintain national rice stocks, and currently the rice stock in Bulog is very safe at 2.1 million tons," said Arief, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 24.
The government's rice reserve stock functions to maintain price stability, anticipate supply shortages, and meet people's food needs.
"This is not a short-term preparation, a month or two, but a program that has been prepared since last year," said Arief.
On the other hand, Deputy President Director of Perum Bulog Marga Taufiq said that his party had absorbed more than 400 thousand tons of rice equivalent rice until March 2025, to ensure government rice reserves.
"Kita sudah data kemarin, kita sudah melewati 400 ribu ton (penyerapan gabah petani setara beras) di seluruh Indonesia," kata Marga ditemui di selari menghadiri panen Raya di Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Sabtu, 22 Maret.
Bulog routinely jumps the ball by going directly to the field to purchase grain from farmers.
Marga emphasizes the importance of direct involvement with farmers to overcome the various obstacles they face for the welfare of farmers and to benefit from the current government purchase price policy (HPP) of IDR 6,500 per kg.
Bulog strives to be present in the midst of farmers to ensure the absorption of grain runs smoothly and farmers can enjoy the results they should receive, so that absorption is optimal and provides benefits to farmers.
Marga said that the absorption of grain from farmers is currently increasing when compared to absorption in the previous harvest season. It can currently reach 26 thousand tons per day.
"And on average we are currently increasing, previously it was below 20 thousand tons a day, now we are 26 thousand tons," explained Marga.
He also emphasized that maximum maintenance of rice in warehouses was carried out to ensure that quality was maintained and free from ticks for national food security.
Bulog performs maintenance with a scheduled system, such as regular checks every month, two months, and three months to maintain quality.
In addition, Bulog also provides special maintenance through fumigation programs to control pests and ticks that can damage the quality of rice stored in warehouses.
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