YOGYAKARTA - Viral on social media about giving coffee to babies as an effort to prevent epilepsy. So justify that a baby is given coffee to prevent epilepsy? Myth or fact?

This article will thoroughly explore the facts and myths about giving coffee to babies to prevent epilepsy, as well as providing accurate and reliable information to readers.

Here are some important things related to epilepsy, some of which are still ambiguous between myths and medical facts:

Reporting from the Siloamhospitals page, epilepsy attacks are divided into two main groups, depending on the initial area of electrical activity disorders in the brain: general attacks and focal attacks.

Common attacks involve both sides of the brain, cause seizures throughout the body and loss of consciousness.

Meanwhile, focal, or partial, attacks affect only part of the brain. Attacks of this type are further divided into simple focal attacks (symptoms limited to certain parts of the body, with awareness maintained) and complex focal attacks (can lead to changes in consciousness).

Epilepsy is a disorder caused by abnormal brain electrical activity, not mystical conditions.

There are two classifications based on the causes, namely idioptic epilepsy (primer), whose cause is unknown, and symptomatic epilepsy (secondary), caused by medical conditions such as brain infections, head injuries, or tumors.

Also read the article that discusses 7 Healthy Life Tips for Epilepsy Patients

Kejang is the main symptom of epilepsy, but can also be triggered by other factors such as high fever, low blood sugar, head trauma, or excessive alcohol consumption.

Therefore, the presence of seizures does not always indicate epilepsy.

According to Dr. Daulika Yusna, Sp.A, which was conveyed through the Mayapada Hospital page, the assumption that giving black coffee can prevent seizures in babies is wrong.

Although caffeine is indeed used in the medical world to stimulate the breathing of a baby experiencing respiratory problems, the caffeine given is not black coffee.

Please note, the caffeine used in the treatment comes from drugs that have been tested for safety and given according to a doctor's prescription.

Black coffee does contain antioxidants that are beneficial for health at certain levels, but these benefits do not include preventing seizures, especially in infants.

Therefore, it is very important not to immediately trust the information circulating and apply it to babies. It is better to consult a pediatrician to get the right treatment and according to the baby's condition.

Although epilepsy attacks often appear without warning, the risk of this disease can be reduced by preventive measures.

These include vaccination in children, regular exercise, maintaining blood pressure and stable cholesterol, and avoiding alcohol and cigarettes.

The introduction of epilepsy symptoms is very important for proper treatment. In addition to seizures, symptoms can include quick flickering of the eye, looking up, confusion after seizures, muscle stiffness, uncontrollable movement, and sudden loss of consciousness. For that, fast and precise first aid is very much needed.

Although more common in children, epilepsy can appear at any age. This disease knows no age limit.

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