Retribution Up Almost 200 Percent, Relocation Traders Of JPM Tanah Abang Again Threaten To Close Jalan Jatibaru
A meeting of relocation traders of JPM Tanah Abang/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - A number of traders affected by the relocation at the Multipurpose Goods Bridge (JPM) Jalan Jati Baru, Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta refused to pay an increase in retribution prices which reached 200 percent. Traders said the increase in levies without any deliberation to traders.

"We reject the nearly 200 percent increase in levies. We hope the manager will hear the objections of JPM traders," said one of the JPM traders at Tanah Abang Market, Thursday, January 18.

The increase starts from IDR 560 thousand to almost IDR 1.5 million. The traders were asked by the management to pay almost IDR 1.5 million starting in early February.

If the management continues to increase it, it is certain that JPM traders will close access to Jalan Jatibaru which is right under JPM.

"If Monday there are still no changes and they survive, of course we will close the road," he threatened.

The management has also distributed a circular containing an increase in levies. In the letter there is also an emphasis on traders if they do not comply with the specified rules.

"If traders do not want to comply, traders are asked to empty the kiosk," he complained.

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