TANGERANG - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Tangerang City admitted that it often receives reports from residents regarding the installation of Campaign Performance Equipment (APK). However, on average only complaints via telephone and short messages.

Tangerang City Bawaslu chairman Komarulloh admitted that he often received the complaint, but he did not know the number of all the complaints.

"If the residents' reports are mostly (reports) only in the form of WhatsApp (WA) and telephone," said Komarulloh when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, January 16.

Komarulloh said that the average person who complained to Bawaslu about the APK did not match the specified location. They admitted that they were confused by the actions they had to take if they saw the APK installed in front of their house.

When the house is fitted with an APK like what. If I say, it is your right. Immediately remove the person it is your right, "he said.

However, he suggested to residents who are disturbed by the installation of the APB, it would be better to discuss in advance the legislative candidates (Caleg) who want to be installed.

"But it would be nice to coordinate with the one who installed it or the legislative candidate," he concluded.

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