JAKARTA - The Advisory Board for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud, Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh or Yenny Wahid, underlined the focus of Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidate if he wins the 2024 presidential election, namely creating security, including for women to move safely in public spaces.

"So, the focus is on encouraging security forces, both the TNI and Polri, to be more professional in working, creating a sense of security, and becoming a public servant. That is the main encouraging focus for me," said Yenny Wahid after the Third Debate of the 2024 General Election Presidential Candidate at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Sunday, January 7 evening, was confiscated by Antara.

Yenny explained that issues, such as sexual violence, domestic violence, including a sense of security for women to walk alone from work and use public transportation at night, are part of the focus of Ganjar-Mahfud's work program in the security sector.

"These are things that are the focus, so you don't have to go too high, but you have to ground or ground, the policy is directed there," he continued.

Yenny added that Ganjar's focus on grounding things in the security sector does not mean that the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 3 does not pay attention to the territorial integrity of the Indonesian nation.

In order to maintain territorial integrity, Yenny said that Ganjar had prepared a budget to be allocated to buy the main weapon system equipment (alutsista), especially in the maritime sector.

"So, in the future, (if) there is smuggling or foreign ships that enter without permission, it must be prevented by means of defense equipment which is not obsolete, which is right on target, and is indeed as needed," said the daughter of the 4th President Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur.

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