BLORA - Presidential Candidate 2024 number 3, Ganjar Pranowo has again rolled out a program that makes the public happy. After rolling out the program to abolish bad credit for fishermen, this time it is the turn of bad credit for farmers to be abolished by Ganjar.

This was conveyed by Ganjar in front of thousands of farmers in Kutukan Village, Randublatung Blora District, Thursday, January 4. Suddenly, thousands of farmers cheered happily hearing Ganjar's program.

"Alhamdulillah sir. O Allah, I hope that Pak Ganjar will become president of the Kuro debt and be repaid (if my debt is repaid)," said Wagiman, one of the farmers.

Wagiman said he had a debt of Rp. 11 million at the bank. The debt was to finance agriculture. However, due to crop failure, he was unable to pay in installments.

"It has been a traffic jam for six months. My house has been visited to be confiscated. Yes, I hope Pak Ganjar can help," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by Umiyati (35) another farmer. He said Ganjar's debt elimination program was a very much-anticipated program.

"Really, sir, I was confused about what to pay my debts at the bank. The yields continued to fall and the results were not much due to pests. I have been in installments for three months," he said.

Umiyati admitted that she was confused and looking for other debts to cover her debt worth Rp. 50 million. However, because the amount was quite large, he could not get it.

"Today my prayer was answered, Mr. Ganjar came with the program we wanted. If our traffic debt is paid off, of course we can farm comfortably and harder," he said.

On that occasion, Ganjar said, the problem of debt is indeed a serious problem for farmers. For this reason, in addition to rolling out programs for adding subsidized fertilizers, ensuring the availability of fertilizers, seeds and medicines, he will also solve the debt of traffic jams for farmers.

"Yes, after yesterday we had a program to write off bad credit for fishermen, we also wanted the farmers to be protres, sir. So after we counted, the amount was not much, around Rp600 billion. We will also remove it later," said Ganjar.

The elimination of bad credit for farmers, Ganjar continued, aims to get the farmers back up. Those who are slumped and cannot pay installments due to pandemic conditions, weather, natural disasters, they can return to production with the elimination of bad debts at the bank.

"So that our farmers can rise again, produce better so that our food needs are met," he concluded.

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