JAKARTA - The Prabowo National Campaign Team (TKN) is both happy and worried that Prabowo-Gibran's electability, which has almost reached 50 percent. The electability of candidate pair number 2 based on a number of surveys called TKN cannot make conditions complacent.

"Thank God, today we received information from one of the survey institutions showing Mr. Prabowo and Mr. Gibran that 49.5 percent had news," said TKN Expert Council Member Budiman Sudjatmiko, at the Prabowo-Gibran Volunteer Secretary, Slipi, West Jakarta, Thursday 4 December.

Budiman admitted that he was worried that the results of the Prabowo-Gibran electability survey, which almost touched 50 percent, would make the knife double-edged. Because with the high electability acquisition from the survey results, it can make TKN complacent.

"It's like we'll just be unemployed for one month, or we'll be complacent, the news (P Prabowo's electability is 49.5 percent) frankly like a double-edged knife for us, one side is encouraging, one side can make it sluggish," said Budiman.

As previously reported, the National Survey Institute (LSN) released the results of the latest survey on the electability of presidential-vice presidential pairs. Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka remains firmly in the top position with an electability of 49.5 percent.

In the survey results, the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar pair had 24.3 percent electability, while Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD was in a distended position with 20.5 percent.

The LSN survey was held on 28 December-2 January 2024 with 1.240 respondents. The margin of error rate in this survey is around 2.6 percent.

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