JAKARTA The case of raping an 11-year-old child allegedly committed by his stepfather in the Pesanggrahan area, South Jakarta is still in the process of examining a number of witnesses. Especially from the family. This is because the police suspect that there was an act of omission in the case.

Therefore, the South Jakarta Metro Police plans to examine the victim's mother, the wife of suspect H. Because, it is suspected that the victim's mother knew that her step father had raped her child but left it alone.

"So until now our plan is to conduct an examination of the victim's mother, later we will confirm these things with the victim's mother," Yossi told reporters, Wednesday, January 3.

The victim's mother with the initials L is scheduled to undergo an examination at the South Jakarta Metro Police next week.

"The plan is that in the near future, it is possible that next week we will conduct an examination of the victim's mother," said Yossi.

A student with the initials S (11) is suspected of being a victim of rape by his stepfather with the initials H in the Pesanggrahan area, South Jakarta.

Acting Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) Lia Latifah admitted that she was angry with the behavior of the victim's biological mother, S (11) who actually defended her husband.

"So last night, I called the mother, immediately angry with her mother that what her child should support, not the perpetrator, but her child. Her mother cried," said Lia when confirmed, Sunday, December 31.

"She stated that yesterday's condition was confused, where one side of her husband was on the other side of her child," she continued

Lia was angry with the victim's biological mother because she saw S's condition which was quite concerning with a very traumatized face, but did not receive direct support from her biological mother.

"Indeed, it was still very visible (trauma) when I met him. Then there was still anger against the perpetrator. Because his mother did not defend him. In fact, his mother sided with the perpetrators," he said.

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