Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Henrikus Yossi, revealed the motive for the stepfather with the initials H to rape his son, S (11) because he was based on a sense of passion. This was known after investigators examined the suspect.

"Yes, so far, from the results of the investigation process, the person concerned is excited," Yossi told reporters, Wednesday, January 3.

"Well, that's where there is lust so that it is vented with this action," he continued.

Yossi said the perpetrator had committed the heinous act since his son was still in grade 5 elementary school. The perpetrator threatened his son not to speak to anyone, including reporting to his biological mother.

"The suspect, after committing acts of sexual immorality or sexual intercourse with the victim, threatened not to tell other people about the act. Either to his family, including his mother, or his brothers and sisters," said Yossi.

For his actions, the perpetrator was named a suspect and charged with the sexual abuse case, H was charged with Article 76 d and Article 76 e concerning sexual intercourse and sexual abuse of children, with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

"In addition, we also suspect the Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence Article 6 in conjunction with Article 15, with a maximum penalty of 15 years," he concluded.

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