The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to conduct a series of searches related to the alleged corruption case in the auction of positions and the procurement of goods and services project that has dragged North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba as a suspect. This time, the search was carried out at the Maluku Provincial Government office complex in Sofifi. "The investigative team has resumed the search process at the Maluku Provincial Government office complex in Sofifi," said Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri, in his statement, Friday, December 22. However, regarding the results, Ali has not detailed it. Because, until this news was published, the search process was still being carried out. "Currently, activities are still ongoing and we will update them later," he said. Previously, investigators also searched several places where the case of the Governor of North Maluku, Abdul Gani Kasuba. As a result, investigators confiscated data on the flow of funds and cash. "It was found and secured in the form of various documents related to the project, data on the flow of money and a sum of money and electronic goods," he said. Several locations that were searched included Abdul Gani Kasuba's private house in Jakarta, the governor's official residence, and several official offices. In addition, investigators also searched the private residence. Abdul Gani Kasuba is one of the parties caught in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Hand Catch Operation (OTT) on Monday, December 18, 2023. He was secured along with several other people. Deputy Chairman of the KPK Alexander Marwata said that in this case, Abdul Gani is suspected of participating in arranging the winner of infrastructure projects in North Maluku whose money comes from the APBN. The budget ceiling reaches more than Rp500 billion. "From the project, AGK determines the amount of deposit from the contractors," he said. Abdul Gani asked his subordinates to manipulate the work as if it had been completed by more than 50 percent. “ With the aim that the disbursement of the budget can be done immediately, "said Alexander. Abdul did not directly receive money from the contractors. He uses a holding account held by his trusted people, said Alexander.
“ As preliminary preliminary evidence that went into the holding account in the amount of Rp2.2 billion. The money was used for AGK's personal interests in the form of payment of lodging at hotels and paying for the health concerned, ” said Alexander. Currently, Abdul Gani Kasuba has been named a suspect and detained. In addition, there are six other people, including the Head of the Housing and Settlement Service, namely AH and DE who are the Head of the PUPR Service.

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