JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud, Chico Hakim spoke about the news that the Prabu Revolution moved towards supporting the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair. He said, the attitude of the former Deputy for Communication 360 TPN was not good. I don't think it's good enough, especially since Prabu was previously in a strategic position and had extensive access to TPN assets," said Chico when contacted by reporters, Monday, December 18. Chico admitted that TPN did not take a dizziness with the attitude of the Perindo Party candidate and never banned it. But, he highlighted Prabu's attitude. This is a moral and ethical issue,'' he said. Furthermore, TPN Ganjar-Mahfud is also not worried that Prabu will leak the secret of the winning kitchen of candidate pair number three. Because, during his tenure, Prabu was deemed not to have a superior program so he was dismissed. Of course, Prabu was dismissed from his position as a deputy because of the lack of the emergence of strategies that have advantages from the deputies he leads, in addition to of course because there is a shortage in his managerial abilities, he said. Revolution ash is seen accompanying Gibran when visiting the Pandan Market, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan today, Saturday, December 16. In the official video distributed by the media team of candidate pair pair number two, he was seen standing in front of President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son when descending stairs at that location. Regarding the displacement of this camp, Secretary General of the Perindo Party Ahmad Rofiq responded casually. He said, this is normal in the 2024 presidential election.

Things that usually happen everywhere, said Rofiq when contacted by VOI, Saturday, December 16. Meanwhile, Prabu has yet to respond to the confirmation sent by VOI. He did not answer about his presence in the Gibran campaign yesterday.

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