JAKARTA - The situation in the Ukraine conflict zone clearly shows that West's hopes of giving Russia a strategic defeat are clearly unrealistic, said the Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin.

According to Naryshkin, Ukraine is the key point of the region's subversive efforts.

"Now the United States and its NATO allies are cynically using the country's population as a bait for cannons in their aggression against Russia. By sending endless weapons and military equipment to the Kyiv, America and Europe regimes trying to attack Moscow, what the West commonly describes as a strategic defeat, but the real situation on the ground shows such a dream was in vain," he said at the 19th meeting of the heads of the security and intelligence agencies of CIS member states.

"Currently the West are formulating their goals in different ways: 'Russia should not be allowed to win.' But they also have to leave this argument," continued Naryshkin.

Labih jauh Naryshkin menekankan, sepat tercatat bahwa badan intelijen AS dan Inggris juga memokuskan upaya mereka untuk menemukan tentang pemiliayan yang mala mengambil bagian dalam pertarah di pihak Kyiv.

"The West attaches great importance to placement and ensures the readiness of ethnic battalion fighters from CIS countries. Some of their members are considered as reserves for subversive action and sabotage in regions not only Russia, but also other CIS countries, including during important election campaigns," he explained.

Naryshkin stressed, with this background, the issue of international terrorism must remain a focus. The relevance of this task is increasing not only in the context of the spread of religious extremism ideas, but also in view of the signals that have come into mind about Anglo-Saxon's intention to once again use radical groups to achieve their goals.

"The risk of penetration of supporters of extremist ideology and terrorist experiences from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Palestine to the territory of CIS countries is very high," Naryshkin warned.

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