Elderly In Central Jakarta Are Grateful, Recently The Government Pays Attention: "Given Food, Cash And Gifts"
Illustration of the elderly in Central Jakarta/ Photo; Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - As many as 50 elderly residents of Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta received social assistance in the form of basic necessities, reading glasses and Rp250 thousand in cash.

The assistance was given by the Mayor of East Jakarta, M. Anwar in the Jakarta Child Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA), Jatinegara Kaum Village, Pulogadung District.

"Health facilities for the elderly are prioritized, of course we must protect them, we must interact with them," said M Anwar to reporters, Thursday, December 14.

M. Anwar explained that the elderly have contributed to Jakarta, especially East Jakarta in various fields, from development to social.

"The governor really appreciates it. The DKI Provincial Government issued an elderly card that is useful for social assistance to health," he said.

Meanwhile, Zubaidah Madi (78), one of the elderly residents of RT 03/07 Kayu Putih Village, is happy with the attention of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

"Alhamdulillah, now the elderly are being paid attention to. They are given food, cash to parcels," he said.

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