JAKARTA - A woman named Julita Simanjuntak (25) was found dead tragically with both legs, hands and mouth white plastic taped in a rented house in Cinarik Village, RT 01/01, Jatireja Village, East Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency, Friday, December 8.

The victim was found in a rotting body condition. It was later discovered that the victim was registered as a resident of Bojong Rangkong Village, RT 01/08, Pulogebang Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

When found, the victim's body was also wrapped in a black plastic bag of garbage from the head to the waist. Half of the body from the waist to the legs are wrapped in brown cement sacks.

Bekasi Metro Police Chief, Kombes Twedi Aditya Bennyahdi said the discovery of the victim began with a pungent odor on Friday afternoon, December 8. However, the unpleasant smell has been smelled since Thursday, December 7th. At that time, the witness with the initials GK received a report that there was a smell of carrion in a rented house.

Then GK checked. GK is the victim's rented neighbor. Then witness GK informed the owner of the rented house with the initials W. After W opened the door to the victim's rented house using a spare key, the victim was found dead wrapped in a sack of cement sack and plastic garbage. The victim's body was also covered with a towel.

"When found, the corpse was lying on the floor. W then reported the incident to the local RT house. According to W, the victim had only been signed for a week," said Kombes Twedi, Friday, December 8.

According to W, when he first signed in, the victim also did not provide photocopies of ID cards and family cards, making it difficult to collect data.

"The victim lived in the rented house alone with a man. However, Friday, December 8, the victim was found dead wrapped in plastic and sacks in a rented house," he said.

However, the police were fooled after the identification results found no signs of violence on the victim's body.

"After checking and identification, according to the identification of the police, there were no signs of violence. (but) The position of the corpse was wrapped in black plastic bags of garbage and cement sacks," he said.

The motive for the death of the victim is not yet known. However, the victim's body has been taken to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital for an autopsy or post-mortem on the body.

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