JAKARTA - A total of 12 students of SMAN 26 Jakarta are suspected of being victims of bullying (Bully) by seniors at their school. Information said the action took place at the house of one of the perpetrators in the Setiabudi area, South Jakarta, Friday, December 1, at around 16.00 WIB.

The victim's attorney with the initials AF, William Albert, said 15 people were reported to the South Jakarta Metro Police with the report number LP/B/3647/XII/2023/SPKT/Polres Metro South Jakarta/Polda Metro Jaya dated December 2, 2023.

"It is suspected that there were 15 perpetrators," said the victim's attorney, William Albert, a journalist at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, December 8.

William revealed that one of the victims, AF, was initially contacted by one of the perpetrators through the Whatsapp short message application. In that message, the perpetrator asked the victim to come to his house.

"So at that time the system was in WA first, 'oh you came to my house'. So from the information and chat we learned, that this incident did not only happen once," said William.

"The victim is class X, if it's grade 1 high school, yes. The gang-up is on average seniors. There is class XI, there is class XII. Yes, on average class X, younger siblings," he continued.

Meanwhile, another attorney from AF, Fahrizal Husin Nasution, said the way the perpetrators carried out the action was by covering their eyes with clothes. After that, they were tortured and persecuted by the seniors.

"Closed in clothes, just wear cloth. The explanation is not detailed, because the victim's mother is still in shock, still angry," he said.

Due to this incident, some of the victims suffered bruises and broken bones in the ribs. Unfortunately, many did not make a report, because they threatened to look for the victims to the house.

The wound is hitting. Incidentally he is also a football athlete. So it is very unfortunate. His muscles have also been completed, but his name has also been hit by 14-15 people alternately. There are also broken bones. Broken ribs if I'm not mistaken," he said.

Therefore, the victim decided to make a police report. He hopes that with this report the police will take action.

"That's why we hope that the suspect will be found later," he concluded

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