JAKARTA - Presidential candidate (candidate) number three, Ganjar Pranowo reminded that neutrality of the TNI-Polri institutions is needed to create the 2024 presidential election. They must stand above national interests.

"As a state institution tasked with maintaining national security, order, and defense and sovereignty, the TNI-Polri must stand above the national interest," said Ganjar, quoted from his written statement, Friday, December 8.

Ganjar said that the neutrality of the TNI and Polri had a significant impact on democracy in Indonesia. Thus, there should be no intervention from any party, including the authorities.

"During the democratic party, the main task of the TNI and Polri is to ensure that elections run safely, peacefully, and fairly without political intervention in power," he stressed.

"As state institutions, the TNI and Polri must stand above national interests, not above the interests of political parties or certain groups," continued the former Governor of Central Java.

Even so, Ganjar still believes that members of the TNI-Polri will remain neutral in accordance with Article 280 Paragraph 2 of the Election Law 7 of 2017. However, supervision from the public is needed.

"To be able to maintain neutrality of the TNI and Polri is not only the commitment of each individual member but also requires supervision from the eyes of the people," he concluded.

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