The Kendari City Police (Polresta), Regional Police (Polda) of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) is investigating a case of alleged beating of the Head of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the University of Southeast Sulawesi (Unsultra) Leciz Badhisi, which occurred when it banned the pulpit action free of rejection of political dynasties on campus last Tuesday.

Head of Kendari Police, Kombes Pol Muhammad Eka Fathurrahman in Kendari, Thursday, said the report of the beating had been submitted to the Baruga Police. However, the process was withdrawn to the Kendari Police for investigation.

"Yesterday, the report was submitted to the Baruga Police, I have also directed the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the process to be withdrawn to the Kendari Police," said Kombes Eka as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 7.

He said the victim Leciz had carried out an initial post-mortem for evidence purposes in the case. Then after that, witnesses who saw the incident firsthand will also be examined for the purposes of the investigation process.

"We will examine the victims and witnesses at the TKP (scene of the case) and related parties," said Eka.

Previously, the pulpit of democracy with the theme "Rejecting the Political Dynasty", which was held by BEM Nusantara (Bemnus) at Unsultra ended in chaos with the head of the BEM victim FH Leciz who refused to be beaten by the mass of the action. Based on the video that was spread, the Head of BEM FH Unsultra Leciz was standing up and shouting to ask the committees to stop the activity. However, he was immediately withdrawn by one of the men to stay away from the free pulpit activities.

Not long after, a number of people who were provoked were seen directly visiting and beating Leciz. In fact, the beating continued outside the location of the free pulpit activity, and fortunately the action was immediately dispersed by other masses.

Meanwhile, Secretary of BEM Unsultra Ramadan said that the beating began when a number of students held a pulpit related to the rejection of the political dynasty at the Unsultra Campus, but Leciz assessed that the activity had been ridden by political interests, so he rejected the activity.

"It's an activity under the guise of politics, so he refuses because on campus there should be no political activity," said Ramadan.

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