Polda Metro Jaya and the organizers stated that there was no intimidation regarding the art show with the theme 'Musuh Bebuyutan'. The Secretariat of Kayan Production, Indah, emphasized that as the party that takes care of licensing, there is no form of intimidation in the process. “ Just to convey that I was indeed the one who carried out the management regarding licensing documents to the police. Then there was no intimidation in signing the letter, "” said Indah to reporters, Tuesday, December 5. In addition, Deputy Director of Intelligence and Security of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Niko Indrayana said that during the licensing process, Kayan Production was said to have submitted an application on November 8. The application and granting of crowd permits refers to Government Regulation Number 60 of 2017. In the regulation, there are several classifications of public activities that must have permission from the police. "On November 8, 2023, PT Kayan submitted a request for a permit for an activity proposal in the form of a public spectacle which will be held at Taman Ismail Marzuki on December 1 and 2," said Niko. With this submission, Polda Metro considered various things and asked Kayan Production to meet the requirements. Until finally, the crowd permit was issued on November 13. Of course, after the administrative requirements are met. "Earlier, it was stated that in the implementation of the permit application process, it did not get Intimidation from the police," said Niko. The author of the theater script, Agus Noor, and the artist, Butet Kartaredjasa, felt intimidated by the police when holding a performance at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) on Friday, December 1. Meanwhile, the art show was held with the theme 'Musuh Bebuyutan'.
The form of intimidation they feel is that the police signed the organizers. Then, ask to make a statement. There are at least 6 points in the letter, some of which are, not distributing election campaign materials, not installing election campaign props, and not using political attributes.

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