NGAWI - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini visited Elvano, a three-year-old toddler who suffers from hydrocephalus or an increase in the volume of fluids in the brain which has resulted in an enlargement of his head, in Ngawi Regency, East Java.

"My arrival is in order to hand over assistance to Elvano's Sister and at the same time thank the good people who have donated their donations to Elvano's Sister," said Social Minister Risma in front of Elvano's parents, the Ministry of Social Affairs team, and the Regent of Ngawi Ony Anwar, Sunday, December 3.

According to him, the Ministry of Social assistance for Elvano has been around for a long time. The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Integrated Kartini Temanggung Center has responded to cases, assessments, and interventions in cases of Elvano's toddler who has been suffering from hydrocephalus since the age of seven days.

Elvano has also received action by installing a hose to remove the liquid.

"However, due to the lack of economic conditions for the Elvano family, health care for Elvano has not been maximized, so it requires assistance and intervention," he said.

The Ministry of Social Affairs team has also provided assistance with a medical examination for Elvano to Dr. Soeroto Ngawi Hospital which was then referred to the Heart Child Poli and Syaraf Surgery Specialist at Dr Moewardi Hospital in Surakarta.

The attention assistance provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs for Elvano has reached a total of Rp. 14.4 million.

The assistance includes operational support for health services, decent living assistance and additional nutrition in the form of milk, pampers, personal hygiene equipment, clothing cupboards, and entrepreneurship assistance for Elvano's parents in the form of basic food stalls and additional sewing equipment.

Penganganan terhadap Elvano juga melibatkan situs donasi dan pengambelan dana berbasis daring Dalam kesempatan itu, Mensos juga menyerahkan secara simbolis bantuan untuk Elvano sebesar Rp37.558.255 dari 1.907 donor.

"This fund is for operational costs during Elvano's treatment," he said.

In his explanation, Social Minister Risma stated that in carrying out the task of developing social welfare, the government could not work alone. Likewise with the handling of underprivileged children.

He added that medical treatment of toddlers such as Elvano must be carried out in a sustainable manner. With the state budget management system, the Ministry of Social Affairs has limitations.

"Sometimes they have been assisted, but it turns out that they need something else. The assistance we provide is not once completed, but continuous. So, we need to synergize with the community in this case with to embrace everything. Thank you to the philanthropists," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

According to data, so far during his leadership at the Ministry of Social Affairs, the involvement of donors through various communities and sources has succeeded in handling 136 cases with a total aid fund of Rp11 billion distributed.

Ngawi Regent Ony Anwar Harsono expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Social Minister Risma and the wider community who have helped.

"The Ngawi Regency Government in coordination with the Ministry of Social Affairs has visited and accompanied the treatment of Elvano who suffers from hydrocephalus," he said.

The Ministry of Social Affairs in the future will continue to assist and monitor the health development of Elvano and also the entrepreneurship of basic food stalls and the sewing effort for the Elvano family.

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