The Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia Zuhair Al-Shun said the war conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza City was purely a human occupation by carrying out massacres against innocent communities. The real conflict in Palestine is colonialism, where more than 60 thousand people are victims of war, this must be stopped," said Zuhair after participating in a peaceful demonstration to support Palestinian independence, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, November 3. He mentioned tens of thousands of people from various religions and groups who were victims of war were displaced from their homes, many lost houses, and even experienced starvation. God willing, Indonesia will not leave Palestine, Indonesia will support the independence of the Palestinian people,''' said Zuhair. The Palestinian ambassador revealed that the current condition of Gaza City was very harsh, there was a massacre or genocide blindly. Every day Gazans are haunted by fear. Zuhair said the Palestinian people will fight for the oppression until the occupation ends. Not even Gaza City, the massacre was also felt by residents to the west bank, the northern edge, and other cities. On that occasion, he praised the diversity in Indonesia. Although different religions, ethnicities, races, and groups, however, there was no such conflict in Gaza City.

Including in Banjarbaru City more than 90 percent of Muslims, but this diversity is truly peaceful for the Palestinian Ambassador. "We cannot express our gratitude through a series of words, but let Allah SWT who will repay the kindness of the Indonesian people," said the Palestinian Ambassador.

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