JAKARTA - A viral video on social media that explains that there are 4 boarding houses that have been burglarized. As a result, gold bracelets to laptops have been stolen by the perpetrators. In a video uploaded on the @UpdateinfoJakarta account, a woman with long hair can be seen using a Levis jacket suspected of being the perpetrator of the theft. It was explained in the statement that the incident occurred in the PLO Mampang Gang, South Jakarta, Friday, December 1, at 16.20 WIB. The perpetrator's impact entered the boarding house area, then monitored the situation at the location. After according to her being considered safe, the woman immediately went up to the top to the boarding house. After running 20 minutes, the perpetrator came out carrying a bag that was allegedly the result of the theft. Then left the location of the incident. The police who received the information immediately went to the scene. The goal was to ascertain the truth of the incident. Mampang Police Chief, Kompol David Kanito confirmed the incident. The perpetrator entered the boarding house easily, because the perpetrators knew the keys of the victim's rooms that were hidden under the shoes. In this incident, the perpetrators had brought valuable items in the form of gold, laptops to cellphones belonging to the boarding house occupants... "The items that were lost between the other 2 laptop units, 2 HP units, 2 gold bracelets and savings contained a number of money taken, David said when confirmed, Sunday, December 3. David said that currently his party had examined a number of witnesses and CCTV footage at the scene. In addition, secured some evidence for further examination. Checked by the owner of the boarding house and the residents of the boarding house, as well as confiscated the flash disk containing CCTV footage,' he said.

On his occasion, he also asked the victims to make a police report. The goal is to take further action. "The victims must report the theft incident to the Mampang Police for follow-up and an investigation into the perpetrators of the theft," he concluded.

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