JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number 1 Muhaimin Iskandarau Cak Imin assessed that political games were better for participants in the 2024 presidential election than attacking other pairs of candidates.

During blusukan intip, Glodok, West Jakarta, Jakarta, Muhaiminjustru emphasized that it is better for candidate pairs to highlight their respective advantages.

"Usually (about the game). I think it's better than finding a competitor error," said Muhaimin as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, November 30.

Instead, he believes that every pair of presidential and vice-presidential candidates participating in the 2024 General Election must show their respective advantages in pitting ideas, visions, and missions to win the voice of the people.

"It's better if we show each other's advantages," he said.

Previously, Deputy National Team (Timnas) Captain Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN), Sudirman Said, believed that young voters wanted a political campaign that was more than just a political gimmick.

"We believe, especially the younger generation, that children who have a future want more than just a gimmick, want to be thicker, have more content than just surface things," said Sudirman.

The AMIN national team also offered a more detailed idea to young voters.

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