BOGOR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bogor City recorded 13 disasters due to heavy rains on Sunday, November 27. It was reported that 207 houses were flooded and seven houses were damaged. The Chief Executive of the Bogor City BPBD, Theofilo Patrocinio Freitas, stated that the total events that entered the BPBD report on Sunday night contained 13 disaster events. Nine of them were track floods, and four others were landslides. The entire incident occurred as a result of heavy rains that flushed the Bogor City area," said Theo, Monday, November 27 morning. Furthermore, Theo said, most of the track floods occurred in North Bogor District. Starting from Cibuluh, Ciparigi, Tegal Gundil, Bantarjati, Kedunghalang, and Tanah Baru. One of the flood events occurred in Kampung Kaum Sari, Cibuluh Village, North Bogor District, Bogor City had caused a mother to be trapped in her car which was also flooded. At that time, said Theo, the flooded trajectory submerged Jalan Kaum Sari as high as about 1 meter to 1.5 meters. The victim was driving a car from the inner direction of Kampung Kaum Sari towards the Talang red light making the wrong way, which should have taken the upper road but crossing the road. As a result, the victim and his vehicle were trapped on Jalan Kaum Sari under which was flooded,' he explained. Meanwhile, Theo continued, the landslide incident occurred in three different sub-districts. With details, two events in South Bogor District, one in Bogor Tengah District, and one in Bogor Timur District. Theo said, not only had an impact on the house, the disaster that hit Bogor City also had an impact on public facilities and social facilities. Namely, one building prayer, and one building.
According to him, all reports of the incident have been completed by personnel from the Bogor City BPBD Rapid Rescue Team (TRC).
"For the landslide incident, the Bogor City BPBD has provided assistance in the form of tarpaulins and the installation of tarpaulins at the scene," said Theo.
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