TANGERANG - Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said his party fully supports Palestinian independence.

Hasto said that PDIP's stance was firm regarding this matter, even though the effect was on their champion who was promoted in the 2024 presidential election.

"Electoral Mr. Ganjar is down 7 percent. It means nothing with support for Palestine," he said at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Thursday, November 9.

Hasto said the effect was felt ahead of the U-20 World Cup in the country. At that time, PDIP and the prospective presidential candidate carried by Ganjar Pranowo rejected the participation of the Israeli national team in the 2023 U-20 World Cup.

The rejection also came from a number of parties which resulted in the revocation of Indonesia's status as the host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup. However, Hasto did not become a problem because this attitude was in accordance with the mandate of the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"For the Palestinian independence struggle. We breathed one breath. So why when Israel wanted to come with a team of football, we immediately conveyed his attitude," said Hasto.

Ganjar Pranowo when he was Governor of Central Java firmly rejected the Israeli national team to appear at the 2023 U-20 World Cup in Indonesia. According to Ganjar, this is in accordance with the attitude of the 1st President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno.

Ganjar said that as a cadre of PDIP, he would certainly uphold Bung Karno's mandate to continue to support Palestinian independence.

"We already know how Bung Karno's commitment to Palestine, both voiced at the Asia Africa Conference, Non-Aligned Movement, and at the Conference of the New Emerging Forces. So yes, we follow his mandate," said Ganjar in a written statement, Thursday, March 23.

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