YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever bought a new car or a luxury house? Did you know that in addition to the basic price, you also need to pay additional VAT and PPnBM taxes. So how to calculate VAT and PPnBM?
To help you understand better about this tax calculation, this article will provide an easy-to-understand explanation, complete with relevant case examples.
Reporting from a book entitled 'Complete Study on VAT and PPnBM', in determining the amount of VAT and PPnBM owed for the sale of luxury goods, there are three important points that need to be considered, as follows:
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Based on Article 7 of Law Number 42 of 2009 concerning Tax on Added Goods and Services Values as well as Sales Tax on Luxury Goods, 1 in general, the VAT tariff in effect is 10% (ten percent) of the value of goods or services subject to tax. However, there are exceptions as follows:
The 0% VAT rate is applied to export transactions, both intangible exports, intangible goods, and services. This aims to encourage export activities and increase the competitiveness of domestic products in the international market.
The government has the authority to change the VAT rate to a minimum of 5% (five percent) and a maximum of 15% (fifteen percent) through Government Regulations. This tariff change is usually made to adjust to economic conditions or to achieve certain fiscal goals.
To calculate the amount of VAT to be paid, you can use the following simple formula:
The Amount Of VAT = VAT Tariff x Goods Or Services Price
Example: For example, you buy an item at a price of Rp. 2,000,000 and the applicable VAT rate is 10%. So, the amount of VAT you have to pay is: 10% x Rp. 2,000,000 = Rp. 200,000
Based on the example above, so the total payment you have to make is IDR 2,200,000 (the price of goods + VAT).
The Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) is a tax imposed on certain items that are considered luxurious.
PPnBM rates also vary depending on the type of goods. Some categories of luxury goods and current PPnBM rates are as follows:
To calculate the PPnBM that must be paid, you can use the following simple formulas:
PPnBM Debts = The Basis For Imposition Of PPnBM Taxes x PPnBM Tariff
Examples of Calculations:
VAT = 10% x IDR 170,000,000 = IDR 17,000,000
PPnBM = 40% x Rp170,000,000 = Rp68,000,000
Total Price = Basic Price + VAT + PPnBM
Total Price = IDR 170,000,000 + IDR 17,000,000 + IDR 68,000,000 = IDR 255,000,000
So, with the selling price of LMPV of Rp. 170,000,000, the total price to be paid, including VAT and PPnBM, is Rp. 255,000,000.
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