KPK prosecutor Taufiq Ibnugroho said the handling of the alleged Money Laundering (TPPU) case of the former Ambon RL Mayor was still ongoing even though today the detention was carried out at the Ambon Prison. "That's right today Richard Louhenapesy has been executed by the agency in Ambon Prison," said Taufiq, who was contacted from Ambon, Antara, Thursday, November 9. The former Mayor of Ambon was executed from the KPK Detention Center in Jakarta to the Ambon Class II Prison after the Supreme Court's cassation decision which sentenced him to five years in prison in bribery and gratification cases. The Supreme Court's decision strengthens the decision of the panel of judges in the first instance court for five years, except for additional sentences in the form of paying a different replacement money. "Meanwhile, the investigation into the RL case regarding the alleged money laundering offense is still ongoing at the KPK and is still in progress," he explained. Meanwhile, one of Richard's legal advisers, Odlyn Otniel Tarumere, said that in the Supreme Court's cassation decision, it was stated that Richard's replacement money was IDR 520 million, subsidiary to six months in prison. "The Ambon Corruption Court's decision for additional penalties in the form of replacement money of Rp. 8 billion was calculated with the money confiscated by the KPK prosecutor of Rp. 7.5 billion," said Odlyn.
In this case, former Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapesy was sentenced to five years in prison at the cassation level, while Andrew Hehanussa, who is Richard's staff, was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to three months in prison in an appeal at the Ambon High Court.

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